As a person who also experiences anxiety, I have found preparing NCEA exams helps ease the mind.
6 reasons why NCEA students may feel NCEA exam anxiety:
They've never sat an NCEA exam before
The format in which they sit their NCEA exams are different to what they are used to
They've received unexpected grades for their internal assessments
They only have one shot at passing the NCEA exam
There are smaller time limits for completing NCEA exams, in comparison to the length of time students get to complete internal assessments
The topic or activity might not be immediately clear
Strangers* monitor the NCEA exam process
Strangers* mark the NCEA exam paper
*'Strangers' meaning someone who the student does not recognise as a teacher at their school
These factors can also lead to a lack of interest. So, how can students effectively ease their anxieties to do their best during their NCEA examinations?

3 easy steps to help tackle anxiety when preparing for NCEA exams:
Read the NCEA criteria
Practice with old exams
Allow me to delve deeper into this topic.

Read the NCEA criteria
Our tutors like to help anxious students with their anxieties by reading the NCEA criteria with them. On the NZQA website there are every single NCEA assessment and external exam criteria. Each NCEA assessment or NCEA exam criteria lets you know what Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit, and Excellence level outcomes should look like. By reading your relevant NCEA exam criteria, you will likely build your understand of what the marker is looking for and what skills you need to demonstrate in your NCEA exams.

Practice with old exams
I always like to get my students to look at an exam paper so that they can see visually what one will look like on the day. We break down what exam questions are asking you to do, how to eliminate questions and select the right ones for you (if there is a selection process), and how to answer questions effectively.
As an anxious student, the more you practice this experience, the more likely you are to feel comfortable experiencing your NCEA exams.

The fact you navigate each day when dealing with anxiety should be acknowledged and celebrated. Our teachers at Tovah's Tutoring Company Ltd always encourage and help ease our students' anxiety. We work with them, at their own pace, to boost their confidence with NCEA.
It is important to us that our students see value in learning and are proud of all that they accomplish with us.
We look forward to supporting you through their NCEA experience,
Tovah's Tutoring Company Ltd ®

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