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3 Quick Tips for the NCEA English Unfamiliar Text Exam

Writer's picture: tovahstutoringcomptovahstutoringcomp

Hi, I am Tovah, and I am a qualified English teacher who is confident teaching NCEA English Unfamiliar Text exam preparation. This blog will cover 3 quick tips to building your critical opinion writing skills.

Prepare for the Unfamiliar Text exam with these quick tips
These quick tips will help you understand and develop a critical opinion for your NCEA English Unfamiliar Text exam.

What is the NCEA English Unfamiliar Text exam?

You need to analyse text you have never studied before in the classroom. You will look at the writer's use of language features, their perspective and their writing choices to convey a message or meaning.

To make sure you feel comfortable doing this, you may like to read different text types you aren't used to reading. Our expert tutors will help you with this and can guide you through the exam requirements.

Here are my 3 Quick Tips for developing a critical opinion for the Unfamiliar Text exam:

Step 1: Read and write out someone's opinion to prepare for the Unfamiliar Text exam

Practice quoting, citing and understanding critical opinions by practising writing academic opinions word for word. When you learn how to quote opinions, you will be able to use this skill to strength your statements in your NCEA English Unfamiliar Text exam.

Our expert tutors will teach you how to use quotes and proper citation, ready for the Unfamiliar Text exam.

Step 2: Paraphrase a critical opinion to prepare for the Unfamiliar Text exam

Paraphrasing helps express a clear opinion. When you learn to express an opinion in your own way, you can learn how to write your own opinion in a similar structured format. This will be beneficial for responding to text in your Unfamiliar text exam.

Our expert tutors will teach you how to write a structured critical opinion, ready for the Unfamiliar Text exam.

Step 3: Agree, disagree, compare and contrast to prepare for the Unfamiliar Text exam

Engage with critical opinions by agreeing, disagreeing, comparing, and contrasting to deepen exploration and improve grades. This is beneficial for preparing for your Unfamiliar text exam because you will be able to write skilfully as your opinion will likely have conviction, confidence and an in-depth thought process.

From here you can begin to explore writing through a critic's lens, discussing the writer's history, society they belong to, their beliefs, and their background.

Our expert tutors can teach you how to analyse writing quality, structure, and language features, ready for the Unfamiliar Text exam.

Book your NCEA English Unfamiliar Text tutorials today, so you can boost your confidence with the NCEA exam process and develop study strategies.

Book here:

All the best,


Tovah's Tutoring Company Ltd.


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